StarDancers Offers Reasonable Rates

and Family/Multiple Class Discounts!!

Registration/Membership Fee:

$20.00 Membership fee covers the entire family for the entire year!


Tuition Fees:

1 hour class- 1 class per week- (4 times per month) $30.00 per month

45 minutes class- 1 class per week- (4 times per month) $25.00 per month


Multiple Class and Family Discount!

1st Class/Child- $30.00 Additional Class/Child- $25.00 per class

 All Fees Include Tax.

Tuition and Fees are pre-paid monthly at time of registration.

3 Easy Payment Methods to choose from!

Monthly Automatic Payments by Credit Card!
Visa and Mastercard!
Pre-Payment in full by cash,
check or credit card!

Monthly pre-pay with Post Dated Checks.
 Checks due @ registration!

Costume Pricing:

Costume Deposit fees are $30 for each semester.

Costume pricing varies per class. 

Recital participation is optional, however, deposit is due at time of registration if you are planning on participating.

No late fees or billings!


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